Single Source of Truth for all your Digital Assets, allowing for seamless collaboration across platforms via the Asset Hub and through a lively ecosystem of plugins and connectors.
Don't bother with multiple cloud storages, image editor, file compression and CDN setup anymore, Filerobot takes care of it all.
Filerobot allows you to store, enrich, normalize, resize, optimize, and distribute your images and videos rocket fast around the world! Upload your digital assets to commercetools from Filerobot DAM via the integrated modular Media Asset Widget. Your media will then be natively accelerated by a top tier, multi-tenant, Content Delivery Network (CDN) architecture.
No development needed. Simply set up your account, activate the plugin and enjoy.
> Deliver images through Scaleflex’s Filerobot CDN
> Inline image editing
> Image and video optimization
> Media lifecycle management
> AI/ML media enrichment
> Collaboration workflows
The Filerobot App provides an Admin UI interface for managing product images from Filerobot. To integrate Filerobot with commercetools, retailers must first create a Filerobot account and configure the necessary settings. This can be done through the/filerobot-free-trial.
Once the Filerobot account is set up, retailers must deploy the Filerobot Commercetools App on a server. There are several ways to do this, including following the deployment examples outlined in the /custom-applications/deployment-examples, or by following the /go/filerobot-documentation/en/plugins-and-integrations/third-party-integrations/commercetools-app
The source code for the app can be found on /scaleflex/commercetools-filerobot-plugin.
Users can directly manage product variant images from the Merchant App without touching the Filerobot Hub.
Images of product variants will return with the API from Commerce Tools, and the images are hosted on Filerobot’s CDN. Retailers can use Media Optimization (/go/filerobot-documentation/en/media-optimizers/image-transformation) to speed up image loading.