GroupBy, Inc.

Powers Search, Browse, and Recommendations for B2C/B2B eCommerce channels.

Product Description

GroupBy’s next generation eCommerce Search and Product Discovery platform is a one-stop-shop for Data Enrichment, Search & Recommendations, Merchandising, and Reporting & Analytics - providing eCommerce merchants with access to a powerhouse of products and services designed to enhance the digital customer experience. 

As a premier SaaS product discovery solution powered by Google Cloud Discovery AI, GroupBy provides retailers, wholesalers, and distributors  with access to state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence functionality that powers search and recommendations.

GroupBy’s best-in-class merchandising tool is transforming eCommerce merchandising from rule-based to revenue-generating, optimizing productivity and efficiencies by providing an optimal balance of AI-led optimization and manual control. The API-first and  composable architecture of the product discovery platform creates seamless eCommerce experiences for modern shoppers, supports eCommerce omnichannel strategies, reduces time to market from years to weeks, and is optimized for revenue.

Integration Description

GroupBy supports all standard Product Search, Browse and Recommendations use cases.  There are 3 primary integration points with GroupBy and commercetools:

Data Indexing

This integration is the ability to push product catalog, and other data sources used to enrich product data, into the GroupBy index so that search/browse/recommendations are optimized to increase revenue. 

This requires the  ability to send the data sources to GroupBy in JSON/XML/CSV format via SFTP.  From there, GroupBy will listen for new data, and apply any updates (full catalog, partial catalog) to the index.

Front End / API Integration

GroupBy is a headless REST API that allows for easy integration into any front-end or existing middleware.  Any application framework (JavaScript, .NET, Java)  that can support the use of REST APIs can integrate with GroupBy’s purpose-built APIs.

User Events

To optimize product discovery results, GroupBy trains the index daily using customer interaction events.  This is often referred to as “Beacon” events.  The events are captured via our JavaScript Beacon Library, or through our Mobile SDK, depending on which application to which you are integrating the GroupBy APIs.  The user events GroupBy requires are:


Product View

Add to Cart


Screen Shot
