Constructor Search & Discovery Platform

Constructor Search & Product Discovery Platform AI-first site search and product discovery that drives conversions and revenue.


Constructor is the only search and product discovery platform tailor-made for enterprise ecommerce where conversions matter. Constructor's AI-first solutions make it easier for shoppers to discover products they want to buy and for ecommerce teams to deliver highly personalized experiences that drive impressive results. Optimizing specifically for ecommerce metrics like revenue, conversion rate and profit, Constructor generates consistent $10M+ lifts for some of the biggest brands in ecommerce, such as Sephora, Petco, home24, Maxeda Brands, Birkenstock and Grove Collaborative. Constructor is a U.S. based company that was founded in 2015 by Eli Finkelshteyn and Dan McCormick. For more, visit:


  • Grow revenue with search experiences that shoppers adore

  • Drive personalized results that increase conversions in 6-weeks or less

  • Recognize trends and capitalize on opportunities with analytics and insights

Main Features

Search, Browse, Recommendations & Personalization in one platform

Unify your search, browse, recommendation and personalization vendor strategy with one cutting edge solution, one vendor, one integration. Constructor optimizes the entire product search and discovery experience by sharing insights across a unified platform, for new and anonymous visitors. 

Attribute Enrichment

Constructor’s Attribute Enrichment automatically generates new attributes and categories. Enrich product data to expose customers to a broader range of products, enable advanced search filters, and let buyers find exactly what they want— fast.

Machine Learning-Enhanced Reranking

Constructor Search uses machine learning (ML), behavioral clickstream data, and your business goals to drive conversions and revenue. In controlled production A/B tests, Constructor’s automated, self-learning approach to personalized results ranking repeatedly drove more search-related revenue and more customer checkouts. In other words, both site owners and customers succeed with Constructor Search’s ML-enhanced reranking.

Collaborative In-Session Personalization

By leveraging available personal and behavioral data, Constructor tracks query terms and counts of click-throughs, conversions and purchases to improve future search outcomes. User information is hashed to ensure privacy. By leveraging available personal data, Constructor returns personalized search recommendations. For example, If a user demonstrates purchase intent for "organic" items, "organic" items will be ranked higher in future search results, regardless of her query.

Merchant Tooling to Boost Revenue Opportunities 

Merchant controls work along with natural language processing, machine learning algorithms and collaborative personalization to provide an automated solution that improves conversions, revenue and customer loyalty. Maximize search-related revenue opportunities from new product launches, holiday collections, slotting allowances and more with searchandising. Gain visibility into customer search journeys, trending searches and improvement opportunities through search analytics dashboards.

Description of the Integration

Constructor's cloud-based search-as-a-service solution uses natural language processing, machine learning-enhanced results ranking, collaborative personalization, and merchant controls to power enterprise-grade onsite and in-app search and product discovery for leading brands like Sephora, Bonobos, Petco, and more.

The Constructor integration delivers a fast and agile integration process where Constructor engineers perform nearly all of the development work, coordinated with client-side engineers via collaborative pairing sessions.

Our approach to integration is enabled by Commercetools’ next-generation headless architecture of the Commercetools platform, enabling clients to stand-up best-in-class search and product discovery on their Commercetools powered site in 6 weeks or less. Broadly, integration is composed of three parts:

  • Pass the product catalog and other relevant data to Constructor

  • Inform Constructor of user interactions with products (via Constructor Beacon)

  • Display optimized search, browse and recommendation content on your site

Constructor x commercetools