Precomposer by eCube


Purpose of the solution

The precomposer is a ready-to-use set-up package that can be installed quickly and contains the most important functions for getting started with composable commerce. The precomposer is a tool by developers for developers to save time and money in preparing for composable commerce projects according to MACH principles.

Composition of the Accelerator

eCubes precomposer includes a content management system and the commercetools-backend from the MACH Alliance and is supplemented by cross-sectional functionalities. Despite the headless cms, the precomposer has an exemplary frontend including a demo design template. Further services, such as logging, monitoring and a pricing service complete the basis as a starting point for further e-commerce development.

Benefits of the solution

  • Reducing time-to-market by weeks

  • Complete architecture and infrastructure in one setup package

  • 100 percent composability based on MACH principles

  • SEO-optimized front end and best practices for common shop processes

  • Integration of commercetools, Storyblok and other services

  • No dependencies on manufacturers and service providers like eCube

  • e-commerce hub bundles communication between integrated services (backend for frontend)

  • Avoidance of technical debt increases productivity during subsequent further development

